Success Stories
Success Stories
The Uwezo Fund was launched by His Excellency the president of the republic of Kenya in 2013. The Fund is a flagship program for vision 2030 aimed at enabling women, youth and persons living with disabilities to access finances to promote businesses and enterprises at the constituency level. It is therefore a venture for in curbing enterprises, creating employment and growing the economy.
Since inception, the Fund has done a lot in ensuring that its mandate is in line with the big four agenda as shown in the chart below:
From the statistics, it shows that high percentage of groups venture in agricultural sector majorly food security. Household food security exists when all members at all times have access to enough food for an active, healthy life. That is why many of the groups decided to choose food as their main source of income as shown in the chart.
The Sengeteti Focal women group from Bungoma county is a good example of a group who engage in planting sweet potatoes and value addition in cooking chapati, cakes and biscuits in this case.
The Fund continues to sensitize its beneficiaries on the benefits of registering with NHIF in order to access affordable healthcare.
Through the loans they have received from Uwezo Fund, many beneficiaries have been able to access affordable housing by creating employment and in turn improving their living standards.
In trade sector, as the name suggests it involves exchange of goods and services. However, Rwayambu Self –Help group is a group decided to try their lack in this sector, they ventured in selling garment material and dresses.
Service is another type of activity where some of the groups chose to engage in. Mercy Heart Self Help group from Meru County decided to help people living with disabilities by feeding clothing and cleaning them. Moreso, Elzoe Self Help group ventured in knitting table mats and Silver ladies who engage in bead work are some of the groups that ventured in the manufacturing sector.
Therefore, more sensitization needs to be done so that other sectors are given priority like Agriculture as shown in the chart. The following are examples of the groups that have benefited from the Fund:
Baraka Women Group center
Baraka Women Group center comprises of young mothers.
Standard Brothers self-help group is a beneficiary of Uwezo Fund.
Clan bible youth group is a beneficiary of Uwezo Fund.
Karanja women Group
Karanja women Group is a beneficiary of the Uwezo Fund.
Mathare Jirani Mwema Self-Help Group
Mathare Jirani Mwema SHG Is a beneficiary of the Uwezo Fund.
Tunaweza Group
Tunaweza Group started as a friends group of People with Disabilities (PWDs) aimed at sensitizing society on PWDs.